Email unsubscribes suck. But these are worse.

Dylan R.
5 min readMay 16, 2022
They’ve gone cold.

I get more unsubscribes on Tuesdays than any other day.

Because Tuesdays are the day I send my newsletter.

It’s a brutal realization when you start a newsletter: some people will unsubscribe.

And it’s a blow to your pride. It stings. “What did I do wrong? Why don’t they want to hear from me anymore? Was it something I said — or didn’t say?”

They’ve broken up with you. And just like an ex-lover who’s told you they can’t lead you on any longer, that their heart isn’t in it — unsubscribers are doing you the same favor.

Because there’s a cold mistress much worse than the unsubscribed heartbreaker.

The Dreaded Cold Subscriber

Cold subscribers still receive your newsletter.

You still include them when you boast about your subscriber list.
You still send them emails.
You still think of them each week as you write your newsletter, hoping they find it useful, entertaining, educational.

But they don’t open it. Or they stopped a long time ago. They’re ghosting you — and it’s costing you.

“Why is this worse than an unsubscriber?”



Dylan R.

Teaching you how to start + grow + monetize a newsletter — as I share how I’m doing it.