Twitter is imploding. Have you started your newsletter yet?

You don’t own Twitter. So you should own an email list. Here’s how.

Dylan R.
4 min readNov 16, 2022

Drama and critique are nothing new for Twitter. But the past few weeks have been… different.

(Not saying it’s a dumpster fire, but where there’s smoke…)

I’m not here to give my opinion on Elon and everything he’s doing.

But if you’re building an audience on Twitter — beware:

It’s not a stretch to consider your Twitter audience might vanish overnight.

That might sound like fear-mongering. “Vanish” is extreme. But not impossible. Twitter could be in for some of the most drastic changes the platform has ever seen. There have already been more changes to the platform in the past two weeks than the past year.

And more changes are surely coming.

Not only that, people are willingly leaving the Twitter. So what does that mean for those trying to build audiences on the social platform?

I started a newsletter for a number of reasons — but one of the biggest reasons was because of what we’re seeing happen with Twitter.

And that’s why many content entrepreneurs have preached the importance of building an email list for so long.



Dylan R.

Teaching you how to start + grow + monetize a newsletter — as I share how I’m doing it.