Suck at setting goals? Try this.

Goal overwhelm is real — so make it simple.

Dylan R.
4 min readJan 4, 2023
(Image by author using Canva)

Whether it’s the beginning of a new year (like… right now) or the beginning of a new project, most of us have set lofty, ambitious — even audacious — goals.

Guilty? Me too.

But how often do we actually hit those goals? If you’re anything like me, the answer is a resounding “never.” Why not? Well, I’m usually drunk on optimism & ignorance — clueless to the amount of work (and resilience) required.

For Growth Currency⚡, I knew things had to be different if I wanted success. So when I started my newsletter 2 years ago, I set one long-term goal & one “ongoing” goal:

  1. Long-term goal = publish 100 newsletter editions before I quit.
  2. “Ongoing” goal = publish every week, no matter what.

These were goals that strictly required my action to achieve them.

If I do the work, I win.



Dylan R.

Teaching you how to start + grow + monetize a newsletter — as I share how I’m doing it.