Member-only story
Does resending your newsletter to “unopens” actually work?
I used to do this all the time.
Resending to unopens made sense to me because of my own inbox habits: I’d “save” emails in my own inbox to read later.
Then I’d forget to read them.
So getting a friendly reminder (aka. a “resend”) from that newsletter publisher was often welcome.
Well, I recently decided to fire up this “Resend to unopens” strategy again (Kit has a built-in feature to make this easy).
I even posed the question on Twitter:
So why did I try this hotly-debated strategy again?
Part of it was on a whim, but if I’m being honest…
Since rebooting this newsletter a few months back, open rates have been pretty meh. Plus, I suspected a lot of colder subscribers could use a nudge to sh*t or get off the pot. Engage or be gone.